Friday, August 8, 2008

I'm excited Moneik says it will be easy to turn my counted cross stitch piece into a quilt block. I tried to keep the size where she had room to work with it. Did my good deed for today and helped figure out how to shut down a sprinkleer gone bad next door. The neighbor is out of town and I discovered that there was a problem when I was going to run errands. Usually hubby is around to give advice ,but I got mine from Illinois so I could find the valve and stop the water. It will still drain for a while cause the back yard is flooded . Being alone isn't great , but I'm finding new ways to take care of things I didn't have to before. I'm even doing pool stuff while hubby is gone. Okay it consists of emptying the leaf basket and making sure there is chlorine so it doesn't get cloudy, but I didn't do it before.
I'm making one more trip to son's house tomorrow to check on things and then I'm done . He is to be back tomorrow afternoon.
Have a good weekend all.

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